Reflection for all DMIT lessons

Reflection week 1/2

What does URL stand for?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is also known as link or web address

What is the default scheme in URL?

The URL structure types are provided by the url library, and re-exported by url and  port number is omitted for an http: URL, the browser will connect on port 80, the default HTTP port.

Examples of url to an image, word document, music :

Where is information stored?

It is stored in the database

Jargons learned

The jargons i learned so far are scheme name, domain name, port number, IP address, common gateway interface, query string, fragment identifier

Reflection week 3/4

Difference between save as draft, preview, and publish.

Draft is an email that you are working on which is not yet completed and it can be saved and can made amendments to when needed, and it can stay on you computer until you delete or send it.

Preview means that its available for screening in advance of the general public.

Publish means to make information available to the public.

Where is the post stored?

It is stored in the database.

Reflection week 5/6

User cannot see the image in the blog as it has not been attached to any of the post u have previously posted.

Save as a draft: This is a command to save whatever words/images that u have inserted into the post as a draft. By saving it into a draft, it can be reopened at anytime and can be edited or changed as well as reverting it back to the original draft. By saving the post as a draft, the post wont be shown in the user’s blog, instead be held in a draft in your post section allowing the user to choose to post it anytime, hence, preventing the need to retype the details again.

Preview: This is a command to request a preview of how does the user’s post look like when posted onto the user’s blog. However, it does not actually publish the post onto the blog, instead show a published version of it to the user. The user would need to re-publish the post in order to see it on the blog.

Publish: This command is to publish what the user wrote in the post onto the blog. Hence allowing the user’s and blog visitors to see the published post and it’s content.

The HTML syntax for image is <img> tag. Two of the properties needed for image tags are the src and alt. src stand for source.The value of the src attribute is the URL of the image you want to display.alt attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed.The height and width attributes are also properties needed for an image tag.

Reflection week 11/12

Size of the Header Picture should be 940×198 pixels

We can have different header pictures for each specific post

The three visual elements for a website are the header, body, and the side bars

Reflection week 13/14

What information is needed when connecting to wordpress from Live Writer?

URL—Account( authentication—authorization )

We can create new categories on the wordpress using MS live writer.

The picture stored in the media automatically in wordpress after a new post is uploaded from MS live writer.

We can get the information via interacting with wordpress and it will be imported over to MS live writer.

We can import the homepage from wordpress in the MS live writer and edit it.

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