Testing of Model

Our model was able to carry all 4 steel weights in each floor each weighing 635 and also our model in whole was able to carry 12 of those weights along with it , our circuit was also installed but the buzzer did not work for the slight movements but however it did work for the pretty much vigorous movements.










Our building’s pretty much flexed moment of the whole testing process.

Test of endurance and strength of our model


Learning points

– flexibility pretty much plays a big role to determine whether the model will collapse or not

– glue properly to ensure all are safely points are safely secured


Our model was being able to last for 6 rounds with its acceleration at 600 gal. We are happy that our model was able to last throughout even though we were not the highest in terms of points but still our model was the one that pretty much did not have flaws except for our gluing.

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